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Writer's pictureBeckett Arnold

Update on Janet’s Health, Business and Soul Tour 2021

What is option 3?

And upon my heart, the answer sprung from my curious question: my Soul laid down a truth bomb! Which was to SLOW WAY DOWN and accept that my brain is not yet equipped to lead groups. I cried. Ensuing was the second answer – to pack my car and just DRIVE.

“People will make themselves miserable their whole lives because they think their ideas of what should or shouldn’t be are real.” ~ Adyashanti

You can guess that I got over my upset relatively quickly and felt a ripening of creativity and optimism. Thus, I paused my groups and blessedly my friend and colleague Cristina Star Ryan offered to manage and facilitate my ReThrival leadership monthly lunch and learns. And soon my body felt such relief! I love how when we release the resistance and resentment, something magical arrives at our doorstep! Also, do you ever notice how your excitement can sometimes disguise your level of stress?

As you can see, the collage of my “Helpers” continues to grow. Never would I be where I am today without YOU. I am humbled by your compassion and love!

That all said, on the one year anniversary of my accident (January 16) I packed my car and meandered to the desert. One stop, then another. All by intuitive nudges. I have hugged and played with friends along the way! Words cannot describe the healing I’m receiving with the wide-open spaces, QUIET, simplicity and ‘living’ in my own space. Dirty dishes are piling up and there is no one to be upset about it! Not to mention the thousands of photos I am taking in nature. I spend most of my time each day in nature, including the mineral hot springs. That is the source of building my immune system, grounding and staying connected to creative source.

I’m curious, have you strongly considered jaunting to a different environment, even if it is just for a day? A few hours or a weekend?

There are

many ways to safely travel during CoronApocalypse. Join me on the Soul-Tour to maintain sanity inside the reality of our world. We all have our excuses and reasons NOT to. Fuhgeddaboud underestimating the power of play and wonder and take the leap! Be it small or big, your body, mind and soul will be happy for it!

In closing, No, I am not on sabbatical. I am still supporting private clients soar through the struggles and reach inner peace. I have a few Spring Special spots available for you or a friend!

Click on coupon to schedule a chat!

And most excitedly, to reach more people, I continue to speak and have quite a few talks lined up over the next 6 months. Check back for more dates. I’m very eager to bring more Visible Transitions tools into the mix with you.

This coming Monday, March 8th at 4pm PST, please join us at the Connection Café hosted my Jul Bystrova and Era of Care. I’m offering an interactive dialogue on the topic of “Enjoying Each Other’s Differences.” Click HERE to register for FREE and for more information.

The Connection Café is a space to deeply share, reflect and explore about what’s going for us as we move towards a regenerative life and understanding–and the inner healing needed as we build a better future partner with Inner Resilience Network.

Sending you gobs of love! Reply back and give me an update on YOU!

In curiosity and gratitude, Janet



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