Beckett Arnold
Evidence of Progress: Three Simple Steps to Your Recovery
Change is inevitable and fundamental. We might as well experience more ease and joy during those difficult life transitions! Our ever increasing tension comes from resisting what is and that only causes more suffering! Have you heard the expression, “What I resist, persists?’
Is it over already?!
Think back to a time you or your child were in the throes of a life change such as divorce, puberty, career change, moving, loss of a loved one, in recovery, a break-up. Were you wishing it would be over and that you’d be on the other side already?
Well let me tell you all that is about to change! Would you like more ease and joy in your life? Visible Transitions is an exclusive photographic technique I designed whilst in the midst of a personal and challenging health issue that took my life force away.
The Three Keys guide you in reducing your anxiety, depression and stress which often accompany fundamental life transitions. As a result, you develop more ease, confidence and self-compassion…and much more goodness! We know where this leads, don’t we?! Bliss!!! Fun!
Key #2: Evidence of progress
…one click at a time
Ever been in a life change and thought, “I’m not getting anywhere!!!” Think back to a time you were feeling challenged in a life transition. Were you wishing it would be OVER?! Now? Wishing it were different? Seeing no way out of the mess? Me too.
Recall a time when you recognized your progress of any goal you were working towards: Remember how you unexpectedly felt more relaxed, confident and hopeful once you saw evidence of improvement? The majority of us rarely acknowledge or track our momentum which actually delays our healing! When we note our small baby steps towards recovery, the body naturally relaxes, leading to experience more energy, ease and joy on a daily basis
a) Breathe
b.) Take a photo of every little bitty step towards your goal or vision. Every. Little. Step. Make prints. Hang them around your desk, across from toilet, wallpaper, on refrigerator, in your car.
* For example, is your kids room a mess? Do you feel agitated each time you open the door to piles and piles of stuff? Make this a fun game with your kid! Take a shot of what is. Then have your child pick up one, only one pile. Take another picture. Keep going until all messes are invisible. Now you’ve got a visible transition! Then email me your results.
c.) Take a photo of every little bitty step towards your goal or vision. Every. Little. Step. Make prints. Hang them around your desk, across from toilet, wallpaper, on refrigerator, in your car.
* For example, are you recovering from chronic illness? Are you frustrated, depressed, stressed and anxious about the progress of your health issues? Take another picture. Keep going until you feel a shift inside your body. Now you’ve got a visible transition! Then email me your results.
Other examples of evidence of progress:
I welcome your questions and comments!
Mark your calendar for February 22-March 28 to dive deeper into the simple and creative ways to enjoy life transitions!
*** Secure your spot by clicking on link below.
With excitement and gratitude! Janet